Benefits of CGEF Membership
Last year's CGEF calendar was abbreviated due to the retirement of many key directors and officers of the organization. CGEF is a volunteer driven organization and as with many such organizations, we have experienced our share of attrition and "volunteer fatigue".
Our response has been to focus this year's program on the priorities of our members:
- Networking
- Education
- Access to international opportunities
In support of these priorities, we are pleased to announce the following events schedule for 2024:
- Networking luncheons
- Casual networking social events
- Webinar series
- Subsidized participation in international conferences
Networking luncheons are scheduled as follows:
- Feb 7
- March 28
- June 5
- Sept 19
- Nov 06
- Dec 18
All networking lunches this year will be held at the Calgary Petroleum Club with a format that promotes greater opportunities for peer-to-peer networking; education on new/clean tech; exposure to business opportunities through member and sponsor company presentations; interactions with our Alberta and Canadian Trade Representatives as well as government officials from other countries.
We will also increase our casual networking social events open to all members and invitees in the same format as the one held in December 2023 upstairs in the Unicorn pub on 8th Ave downtown Calgary. The next scheduled social events are:
- Feb 29th (Leap Year event!!)
- April 17th
- June event around the Global Petroleum Event
- Stampede event TBA
- Fall events TBA
We will be continuing with our popular Webinar series as part of our educational series. The first Webinar (FREE to everyone who registers) will be January 22nd at 9am focusing on "Energy Strategies - Current Alternative Energy Overview (Europe, Africa and Canada)". Sign on to the CGEF webpage ( for more info and to register.
We are also finalizing on at least 2 more webinars for broadcast before the end of March. Registrations will be mailed to members as soon as the date and the subjects are confirmed.
CGEF is represented at select international conferences through its directors and member companies (who can potentially access subsidized attendance to the conference through CGEF membership). The conferences chosen are approved by the CGEF Board and are directly related to our membership interests. Detailed reports by those attending are subsequently presented at CGEF luncheons and posted on the CGEF website (member access section). Content is typically related to new technologies and investment opportunities. Travel, accommodation and registration fees are partly sponsored by our participation in both the CanExport grant program and the AEEP (Alberta Export Expansion Program).
2024 Membership Fees: CGEF is trying something new this year!!
Corporate Memberships now reduced to $1000/year. Benefits include:
- Voting privileges at CGEF AGM's and SGM's
- Attendance of up to 3 reps to all CGEF events included.
- Potential to have partially subsidized attendance at certain international conferences.
- Access to the members area of the CGEF website
Individual Memberships - $350/year. Benefits include:
- Attendance to all CGEF events for the individual only
- Must be an industry professional interested in international energy.
- Access to the members area of the CGEF website
- No voting privileges.
Membership fees support the cost of CGEF lunches, webinars, networking events and international conferences.
Nominations for Directors and Advisors for CGEF's Board of Directors:
CGEF is actively looking for candidates for Directors and Advisors to the Board. Preference is given to corporate members as it's a great way to get members of your staff exposed to a wider networking circle whilst gaining valuable Board experience. If you have candidates, please forward their names and CV's to and/or We are interested in people of all ages and backgrounds with the main criteria being an interest in the principles of CGEF and an enthusiastic interest in contributing their skills and energy where needed.
To apply for membership, please fill out the membership application form and forward payment either by cheque or email transfer as per the instructions on the application form.