Mr. William Sattlegger, P. Geo., is based in Calgary, Alberta and holds a B.Sc. In Geology from Carleton University, Ottawa. Sattlegger has over forty years of experience including domestic and international oil & operations, optimization, financings, A & D complimented with Independent Advisory NI compliant reporting.
Mr. Sattlegger has served as senior Technical Advisor & Management of integrated energy organizations including Petro Canada, Canadian Occidental, Del Roca Energy, Range Energy, Consolidated Trans Canada Resources, SOQUIP Alberta, OMV Gruppe & Fore Shore Petroleum Inc.
The past ten years Mr. Sattlegger has focused on the Mineral Sector involved with project management, exploration, processing, technical advisory, Indigenous Relations, ESG & financings.
Mr. Sattlegger is a Co-Founder of i2iVestcom Advisors Corporation, an advisory practice, Executive Director of the Critical Minerals Conference Series, serves as the Chair of ASET/APEGA, Senior Committee Member, Investigations APEGA & Director, Treasurer of MEGS Calgary (Mineral Exploration Group Society) and holds advanced certificates towards the Sommelier designation.